Sunday, November 14, 2010

So, You're Saying There's a Chance.

Effort this weekend. Lot's of nagging little jobs complete. However - apparently we missed a big sale item from the car that could have helped our budget out. I had no idea the market value of a solid convertible door until after I carved it up with a plasma cutter. If you're gonna be stupid - ya gotta be tough.

We had a pretty big to-do list this week, and managed to check a few things off in the "done" column. Since we sold the dash, pod and instrument cluster to help balance out the Lemons budget - we needed to fabricate the cockpit for our P(OS)51 Mustang fighter.
Rodrigo manages to get a gauge to stay in a hole that was cut too large.
Lucky for us, the previous owner had a Ghetto-fab aluminum diamond-plate floormat. (You can see the curve cut on the side for the dead pedal) well, it turns out that the bend in the plate was a perfect match to the curve of the windshield. A couple of tabs sourced from transmission cable brackets mount the plate to the steering column.
And you can see we found a brace sourced from a shop broom makes the perfect bracket to hold our power kill-switch in an ideal location for both driver and track worker.
Since this race is going to be run mostly in the dark - it's crucial that we keep headlights functional. We expect a lot of loose items will be bouncing around the race track, so Matt is fitting some .25" plexiglass covers to protect the fragile lamps.
We're going to run two sets of standard beam headlights. If the first set dies, flip a switch - and we turn on the second set. We'll also have one more set for backup - placement TBD.

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